Unleash your child's curiosity.

What is FyveBot?

FyveBot currently is a chatbot application that allows your child can explore their interests and curiosities on the internet in a safe environment. FyveBot will filter and simplify the answers to their questions and suggest new concepts based on their interests and previous searches. By providing a fun, interactive way to safely learn new information online, children will begin to grow intellectually instead of having screen time wasted by worthless videos and games. Also, parents can rest easy knowing that FyveBot will not allow any inappropriate content to be searched nor displayed while also allowing parents to check up on all of the information their child is searching and learning about.



Any content you wouldn't want your child to see, fyveBot won't show. Discretion ins in your hands with parental controls.


FyveBot makes learning fun and interactive. Talk, discuss and earn Curiosity coins to level up!


As you learn, FyveBot learns with you. Your child will be prompted about topics they might be interested in based on past searches, and they can dive deeper into the things they like.


FyveBot aims to display the knowledge on the web so your child can understand it. They can any question they can dream of.


The internet isn't always child friendly. FyveBot will summarize and simplify information before presenting it, and your child can ask about any words or concepts they don't understand.


More engaging than a website or textbook, FyveBot makes the learning experience a two way conversation. Kids are more entertained and focused when learning with fyveBot than with traditional Educational media.

Our Journey

After winning a Hackathon and competing in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup US Finals, we have decided to pursue our passion of providing a safe space on the internet for children to continue their development by exploring their curiosities.

Our Team

Sam bretz

Co-Founder and CEO
Computer Science Undergrad at Georgia institute of technology

Mitch myers

Co-Founder And CTO Computer Science Undergrad At Georgia Institute Of Technology

eduardo vargas

Co-Founder And COO Computer Science Undergrad At Georgia Institute Of Technology

gerardo prada

Co-Founder And CFO Computer Science Undergrad At Georgia Institute Of Technology

Contact Us

We love hearing from people who are passionate about our vision! If you have any feedback please reach out to us at info@fyvebot.com.

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